Results for 'John E. Fitzgerald'

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  1.  33
    Long-Acting Contraceptives for Adolescents.John E. Fitzgerald - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (1):63-81.
    In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics published its policy statement on contraception for adolescents, which provides, in effect, a mandate to temporarily sterilize all adolescents with long-acting reversible contraceptives for five to ten years. The author reviews the AAP guidelines and their effects on Catholic adolescents, their families, and adolescent health care providers. He then discusses medicolegal issues raised by the policy, outlines Catholic strategies for combating it, and proposes a diocese-based physician-led program for teaching and counseling elementary and (...)
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  2. La revolución de la ciudadanía: participación ciudadana y desarrollo en América Latina.Ramón E. Azócar & John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (6).
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    Problems with temporality and scientific propositions in John Buridan and Albert of saxony.Michael Fitzgerald - 2006 - Vivarium 44 (s 2-3):305-337.
    The essay develops two major arguments. First, if John Buridan's 'first argument' for the reintroduction of natural supposition is only that the "eternal truth" of a scientific proposition is preserved because subject terms in scientific propositions supposit for all the term's past, present, and future significata indifferently; then Albert of Saxony thinks it is simply ineffective. Only the 'second argument', i.e. the argument for the existence of an 'atemporal copula', adequately performs this task; but is rejected by Albert. Second, (...)
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    Jonathan Rees. The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley’s Fight for Pure Food. 320 pp., illus., notes, index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021. $34.95 (cloth); ISBN 97811421439952. E-book available. [REVIEW]Deborah Fitzgerald - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):200-201.
  6.  34
    The ishtar gate - (A.) amrhein, (c.) Fitzgerald, (e.) Knott (edd.) A wonder to behold. Craftsmanship and the creation of babylon's ishtar gate. Pp. 186, b/w & colour ills, colour maps. New York: Institute for the study of the ancient word, new York university, 2019. Cased, £38, us$45. Isbn: 978-0-691-20015-6. [REVIEW]John P. Nielsen - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):477-479.
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  7. Drawing the Eczema Aesthetic: The Psychological Effects of Chronic Skin Disease as Depicted in the Works of John Updike, Elizabeth Bishop, and Zelda Fitzgerald[REVIEW]Karen E. Tatum - 2010 - Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (2):127-153.
    How might the psycho-social effects of chronic skin disease, its treatments (and discontents) be figuratively expressed in writing and painting? Does the art reveal common denominators in experience and representation? If so, how do we understand the cryptic language of these expressions? By examining the works of artists with chronic skin diseases—John Updike, Elizabeth Bishop, and Zelda Fitzgerald—some common features can be noted. Chronically broken skin can fracture the ego or self-perception, resulting in a disturbed body image, which (...)
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  8.  15
    Psychophysical and computational studies towards a theory of human stereopsis.John E. W. Mayhew & John P. Frisby - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):349-385.
  9. Egalitarianism Against the Veil of Ignorance.John E. Roemer - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):167-184.
  10. The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 4, 1899 - 1924: Essays on Pragmatism and Truth, 1907-1909.John Dewey & Lewis E. Hahn - 1983 - Southern Illinois University Press.
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    Educational Value Orientation and Peer Perceptions of Cheaters.John M. Wryobeck & Bernard E. Whitley Jr - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (3):231-242.
  12.  58
    A symbolic-connectionist theory of relational inference and generalization.John E. Hummel & Keith J. Holyoak - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):220-264.
  13.  42
    Methodological Individualism and Deductive Marxism.John E. Roemer - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (4):513.
  14.  34
    SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence.John E. Laird, Allen Newell & Paul S. Rosenbloom - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (1):1-64.
  15.  36
    Causal relations drive young children’s induction, naming, and categorization.John E. Opfer & Megan J. Bulloch - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):206-217.
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  16.  19
    Images of Earthly Love in the Poetry of John Heath-Stubbs.John E. Van Domelen - 1990 - Renascence 42 (4):237-247.
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    Comments on Beth J. Singer's "John E. Smith on Pragmatism".John E. Smith - 1980 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 16 (1):26 - 33.
  18. Property relations vs. surplus value in Marxian exploitation.John E. Roemer - 1982 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (4):281-313.
  19.  28
    Thoughts on Arrangements of Property Rights in Productive Assets.John E. Roemer - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (1):55-64.
    State ownership, worker ownership, and household ownership are the three main forms in which productive assets (firms) can be held. I argue that worker ownership is not wise in economies with high capital-labor ratios, for it forces the worker to concentrate all her assets in one firm. I review the coupon economy that I proposed in 1994, and express reservations that it could work: greedy people would be able to circumvent its purpose of preventing the concentration of corporate wealth. Although (...)
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  20.  51
    Teaching critical thinking: dialogue and dialectic.John E. McPeck - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    This book, first published in 1990, takes a critical look at the major assumptions which support critical thinking programs and discovers many unresolved questions which threaten their viability. John McPeck argues that some of these assumptions are incoherent or run counter to common sense, while others are unsupported by the available empirical evidence. This title will be of interest to students of the philosophy of education.
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  21.  15
    How We Cooperate: A Theory of Kantian Optimization.John E. Roemer - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    _A new theory of how and why we cooperate, drawing from economics, political theory, and philosophy to challenge the conventional wisdom of game theory_ Game theory explains competitive behavior by working from the premise that people are self-interested. People don’t just compete, however; they also cooperate. John Roemer argues that attempts by orthodox game theorists to account for cooperation leave much to be desired. Unlike competing players, cooperating players take those actions that they would like others to take—which Roemer (...)
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  22.  11
    Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester.John Day, C. H. Roberts & E. G. Turner - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (3):318.
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  23.  32
    Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact.John Borelli, Drew Christiansen, Gerard Mannion, Jason Welle O. F. M., Vladimir Latinovic, John O’Malley, Agnes de Dreuzy, Charles E. Curran, Matthew A. Shadle, Patricia Madigan, Mary McClintock Fulkerson, Anne E. Patrick, Jan Nielen, Agnes M. Brazal, Paul G. Monson, Dale T. Irvin, Dagmar Heller, Anastacia Wooden, Mark D. Chapman, Dorothea Sattler, Patrick J. Hayes, Susan K. Wood, H. E. Cardinal W. Kasper & Brian Flanagan - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume explores how Catholicism began and continues to open its doors to the wider world and to other confessions in embracing ecumenism, thanks to the vision and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. It explores such themes as the twentieth century context preceding the council; parallels between Vatican II and previous councils; its distinctively pastoral character; the legacy of the council in relation to issues such as church-world dynamics, as well as to ethics, social justice, economic activity. Several chapters (...)
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  24.  48
    Modal Verbs and the Grading of Obligations.John E. Guendling - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 51 (2):117-138.
  25.  78
    Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdés-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2):165-183.
    Continuous recordings of brain electrical activity were obtained from a group of 176 patients throughout surgical procedures using general anesthesia. Artifact-free data from the 19 electrodes of the International 10/20 System were subjected to quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram (QEEG). Induction was variously accomplished with etomidate, propofol or thiopental. Anesthesia was maintained throughout the procedures by isoflurane, desflurane or sevoflurane (N = 68), total intravenous anesthesia using propofol (N = 49), or nitrous oxide plus narcotics (N = 59). A set (...)
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  26.  82
    John E. Toews on Essays from the Edge: Parerga & Paralipomena, by Martin Jay. [REVIEW]John E. Toews - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (3):397-410.
    This review of Martin Jay’s recent published collection of essays examines his ongoing rethinking, supplementation, and revision of central themes—the negative and positive dialectics of historical totalization, the varieties and uses of conceptions of experience, the nature of visual cultures and scopic regimes, and the ambiguities of truth-construction in the public realm—that have been the focus of his major works since the 1970s. It argues that his more recent work indicates a gradual shift toward an affirmation of the kinds of (...)
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  27.  14
    Melancholy and its sisters: transformations of a concept from Homer to Lars von Trier.John Raimo & Dominic E. Delarue - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):817-838.
    ABSTRACT This introduction argues for competing diachronic and synchronic accounts of melancholy in European and American culture. Taking the pioneering and yet belated work Saturn and Melancholy (1964) of Erwin Panofsky, Fritz Saxl, and Raymond Klibansky as its starting point, this article situates melancholy as at once its own, often local and non-specialist discourse as well as a conceptual web binding together medical, artistic, and social innovations, competitions, and turmoil. As a subject, melancholy demands interdisciplinary study, as Dürer’s print Melencolia (...)
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  28. Collingwood's doctrine of absolute presuppositions.John E. Llewelyn - 1961 - Philosophical Quarterly 11 (42):49-60.
  29.  11
    Glissant and the middle passage: philosophy, beginning, abyss.John E. Drabinski - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    In dialogue with key theorists of catastrophe and trauma--including Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, George Lamming, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Derek Walcott, as well as key figures in Holocaust studies--Glissant and the Middle Passage hones a sharp sense of the specifically Caribbean varieties of loss, developing them into a transformative philosophical idea. Using the Plantation as a critical concept, John E. Drabinski creolizes notions of rhizome and nomad, examining what kinds of aesthetics grow from these roots and offering reconsiderations of (...)
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  30.  27
    Representational change and magnitude estimation: Why young children can make more accurate salary comparisons than adults.John E. Opfer & Jeffrey M. DeVries - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):843-849.
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  31.  23
    Philosophy of mind in antiquity.John E. Sisko (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Spanning 1200 years of intellectual history – from the 6th century BCE emergence of philosophical enquiry in the Greek city-state of Miletus, to the 6th century CE closure of the Academy in Athens in 529 – Philosophy of Mind in Antiquity provides an outstanding survey of philosophy of mind of the period. It covers a crucial era for the history of philosophy of mind, examining the enduring and controversial arguments of Plato and Aristotle, in addition to the contribution of the (...)
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  32. Sortals for Dummies.John E. Sarnecki - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (2):145-164.
    Advocates of sortal essentialism have argued that concepts like “thing” or “object” lack the unambiguous individuative criteria necessary to play the role of genuine sortals in reference. Instead, they function as “dummy sortals” which are placeholders or incomplete designations. In disqualifying apparent placeholder sortals, however, these philosophers have posed insuperable problems for accounts of childhood conceptual development. I argue that recent evidence in psychology demonstrates that children do possess simple or basic sortals of physical objects or things. I contend that (...)
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  33.  26
    Bresnahan, John E., O.E.S.A., The One True God. [REVIEW]John M. Quinn - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (3):583-585.
  34.  24
    (1 other version)Tense logic and the logic of change.John E. Clifford - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 9 (34):219-230.
  35.  18
    Religion in Plato and Cicero.John E. Rexine - 1959 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    Author John E. Rexine expounds on the theologies of the great Roman thinkers Plato and Cicero in this essay.
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  36.  9
    The public and the private in the twenty-first century.John R. Rowan & Nancy E. Snow (eds.) - 2010 - Charlottesville, Va.: Philosophy Documentation Center.
    Public and private -- Ownership and liberalism -- Applied ethics -- NASSP Book Award: Gerald Cohen.
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  37.  20
    Elite Athletes’ In-event Competitive Anxiety Responses and Psychological Skills Usage under Differing Conditions.John E. Hagan, Dietmar Pollmann & Thomas Schack - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:273958.
    Even though the assessment of competitive anxiety responses (intensity, interpretation, and frequency) using the time-to-event paradigm has gained much attention, literature on the account of these same experiences in-event and their corresponding psychological skills adopted under differing conditions is limited. This is a follow up investigation to establish the extent to which associated anxiety responses are stable or dynamic and whether this pattern could be related to reported psychological skills under low or high stressful conditions across gender. Twenty-three high level (...)
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  38.  23
    Reconsidering the Relationship Between Vitoria and Grotius’s Contributions to the International Law and Natural Law Traditions.John E. Carter - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):159-187.
    In light of recent reevaluations of the work of Hugo Grotius, this essay analyzes the respective roles of Francisco de Vitoria and Grotius in the construction of the “Grotian tradition” of international law and human rights. In contrast to conventional accounts which understand the two within a progression, this essay argues that Vitoria and Grotius can alternatively be understood as representing two distinct strains of international law and ethics, forms of which persist to this day. The first is that strain (...)
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  39.  24
    Contemplation.John E. Hare - 2022 - The Monist 105 (3):337-349.
    The topic of the present article is a conceptualization of the notion of contemplation and will develop its reflection around three principal questions: What is the role of desire in contemplation? Is it we who contemplate, or the god who contemplates in us? What is the relation between contemplation and the rest of human life?
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  40. Selfhood, Conscience, and Dialectic in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.John E. Russon - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):533-550.
  41. The humanist theory of value.John E. Russell - 1910 - Mind 19 (76):547-549.
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  42.  46
    Propositional analysis in fourteenth-century natural philosophy: A case study.John E. Murdoch - 1979 - Synthese 40 (1):117 - 146.
  43.  54
    Neuroimaging studies of the cerebellum: language, learning and memory.John E. Desmond & Julie A. Fiez - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (9):355-362.
  44.  51
    What is a question?John E. Llewelyn - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):69-85.
  45.  48
    Panentheism.John E. Culp - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  46.  27
    Experimenter Characteristics and Word Choice: Best Practices When Administering an Informed Consent.John E. Edlund, Jessica L. Hartnett, Jeremy D. Heider, Emmanuel J. Perez & Jessica Lusk - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (5):397-407.
    The present research seeks to better understand research conditions in laboratory research, with special attention paid to the informed consent process and experimenter characteristics. The first study tested the impact of language perspective and experimenter demeanor upon participant retention of the informed consent information, attitudes toward the research project, and performance on experimental tasks. The second study examined the impact of experimenter attire. Across the two studies, our results suggest that there was no impact of language perspective, whereas the number (...)
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  47.  20
    Some problems and possibilities in the study of dynamical social processes.John E. Puddifoot - 2000 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 30 (1):79–97.
    The recent challenge of Dynamical Systems Theory to the social sciences, is based largely on the beliefthat processes in the social arena can be considered as analogous to those of the natural world, and that in consequence general theoretical advances in explaining the latter might with advantage be applied to the former. This paper aims to show that claims for Dynamical Systems Theory with respect to the understanding or measurement of social processes would be premature; the reasons for this lying (...)
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  48.  50
    A suggested approach to linking decision styles with business ethics.John E. Fleming - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):137-144.
    This essay seeks to link management action with business ethics. It utilizes two conceptual models of decision making to examine the important processes of information gathering and information processing. This analysis is then related to the ethical aspects of a business decision to help explain differences in the selection of ethical criteria.
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  49. A field theory of consciousness.E. Roy John - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2):184-213.
    This article summarizes a variety of current as well as previous research in support of a new theory of consciousness. Evidence has been steadily accumulating that information about a stimulus complex is distributed to many neuronal populations dispersed throughout the brain and is represented by the departure from randomness of the temporal pattern of neural discharges within these large ensembles. Zero phase lag synchronization occurs between discharges of neurons in different brain regions and is enhanced by presentation of stimuli. This (...)
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  50.  66
    Authorities in business ethics.John E. Fleming - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (3):213 - 217.
    It is the purpose of this study to identify the most-referenced authors, works, periodicals and publishers in business ethics. A computer analysis was made of over eight hundred references taken from fifty-seven recent articles. The result is a special type of bibliography designed to conserve time for readers in this field. The two most-cited authors were Milton Friedman and Christopher Stone; while the most-referenced works were Where the Law Ends by Stone, Is the Ethics of Business Changing? by Brenner and (...)
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